I want my club's DNA (a trendy way of saying the way we act!) to be the playing and coaching philosophy of all club teams (Senior AND any supporting/junior teams), not just the first XI.
The DNA consists of 5 core elements:
These are:
1. Who we are?
· The recognition of our PAST
· Using the DNA to inform people about the PRESENT
· With a clear focus on the FUTURE
· Our focus is on creating a NEW HISTORY
2. How we play
In Possession
I want my teams aim to dominate possession intelligently, selecting the right moments to progress the play and penetrate the opposition. We aim to attack wide whenever possible, ideally playing from the back
Out of Possession
Tim Richens' teams aim to regain possession intelligently and as early and as efficiently as possible. All aspects of the out of possession philosophy will take into consideration the state of the game, the environment and the pre-determined game plan. We will protect our goal and danger areas as a priority at all times
My teams aim to sense changing moments in the game both in and out of possession, reacting instinctively and intelligently.
My teams will play with tactical flexibility, based on the profile of the players available and the requirements of the match or competition.
3. The future player
We aim to develop technically excellent players with the skills and attributes to excel in football. Future players that I manage will have the ability to create, score and prevent goals through excellence in:
· Receiving skills
· Turning skills
· Travelling with the ball
· Passing over varying distances
· Attacking and defending skills
· Finishing skills
· Aerial ability
We aim to develop players with a comprehensive knowledge, understanding and experience of football. Future players will be equipped with the skills, abilities and decision-making capability to tactically manage games.
I aim to produce players who can:
· Recognise and adapt to the state of the game
· Achieve winning performances by maximising strengths and exploiting weaknesses
· Understand and apply individual, unit and team roles and responsibilities
· Adopt varied playing styles and formations
· Perform effectively against varied playing styles and formations
· Deal with varied environmental conditions
I aim to develop future players who possess outstanding physical and athletic skills in the following areas:
· Agility, balance, coordination
· Speed/Speed endurance
· Flexibility
· Power
· Strength
· Nutrition and lifestyle
· Physical resilience
· Recovery
I aim to develop future players with the psychological skills and strategies to shape a winning culture and mentality.
I aim to develop reflective, resourceful and resilient players who display outstanding:
· Confidence
· Creativity
· Concentration
· Communication
· Control
· Commitment
I aim to develop future players who display outstanding social skills across the following areas:
· Behaviour
· Reflection
· Teamwork
· Relationships
· Accountability
· Responsibility
· Independence
4. How we coach
Tim Richens' training sessions should be delivered as part of the “Plan, Do, Review” process, using the Coaching Fundamentals as a framework for practice design and delivery.
· Set individual and collective learning objectives using The FA Four Corner Player Development Model
· Design on- and off-field training activities using the DNA Coaching Fundamentals and linking to the DNA playing philosophy
· Consider recommendations and evaluation of previous sessions
· Deliver a variety of activities using the DNA Coaching Fundamentals which meet the individual and collective needs of the group
· Deliver the session as an inter-disciplinary team utilising the expertise of all coaches
· Review the effectiveness of the session against the intended learning objectives and the DNA playing philosophy
· Ensure all reviews are collaborative and inclusive of all support and performance services staff
· Agree recommendations for future sessions
All training activities are meticulously designed with specific individual and group learning objectives set for all sessions.
Collaborative discussion is encouraged throughout the planning process ensuring input from all coaches.
Why is planning a training strategy important?
Detailed planning ensures all opportunities for player development and learning – on and off the field – are utilised.
Pre and post-session tasks for the players – including analysis and reflection – which link to the training activity are also prepared.
Through this process we aim to provide the highest levels of preparation in order to help individual and collective performance.
How is the training strategy implemented?
The design and delivery of my training sessions is guided by the DNA Coaching Fundamentals and linked to the forthcoming fixture or event as well as the individual and collective needs of the group, especially the Team Manager.
All training sessions are delivered as part of an overall training strategy with each activity, on and off the pitch, based around the DNA Coaching Fundamentals.
Why is it important for each session to be delivered as part of an overall training strategy?
Strategic delivery of training sessions ensures consistency of message and approach between age-groups AND the senior team, with the aim of creating a seamless pathway for player progression.
How is the training strategy delivered?
All training sessions are based on the DNA Coaching Fundamentals and delivered as part of a collaborative approach between the coaches.
Each element of a training session – on and off the field - is reviewed against the intended learning objectives.
Why is it important to review each training session?
The review process helps to assess the effectiveness of each training session and is used to inform all future planning, linking with player development plans
The Plan, Do, Review process for training sessions aims to maximise opportunities for individual and team learning and development.
How is the training strategy reviewed?
Each training session is assessed against the intended learning objectives with recommendations agreed for future sessions.
The evaluation process assesses the performance of individual players, units and the team and is conducted in collaboration with all support disciplines (physical, psychological and social).
5. How we support
Player development Plans
Every player will receive a player development plan and be allocated a personal development coach to monitor performance, target and set new objectives on a regular basis during the season.
Coach mentor
The Head Coach will mentor all other coaches, providing support and ensuring the Tim Richens' club DNA is adhered to consistently
School Support
Recruitment will take place for junior team by direct liaison with local schools and all coaches will be CRB checked and should also be progressing on the “Coaching Pathway” where possible
The DNA coaching fundamentals will provide a consistent framework for the design and delivery of all coaching sessions
All training sessions will be designed around the following core principles:
To help to achieve this aim, development/junior teams will be prepared and encouraged to win games, tournaments and competitions at every level. Winning is a crucial part of a players development journey and success at development level breeds confidence for the winning for the future.
However, winning with my club development teams is not the ultimate aim.
The individual development of a young player is always the priority, meaning that decisions that aid the development of a future senior club player at the detriment of an isolated result will be taken.
It is important to stress that we consider the club DNA to be ever evolving.
Although the core values and principles underpinning the content will not change, we are constantly striving to improve every aspect of the experience of being a club "member" and are dedicated to updating and improving our ideas, methods and ways of working.
Aspects of the DNA will be continually updated and refined to reflect the changing trends in the modern game, the latest research and new ideas and inputs.
In the future, additional versions of the club DNA will be released with bespoke age appropriate content for different levels of the game.
Crucially, we will strive to evolve each version to meet the needs of coaches and players as the modern game changes. This version of the club DNA is the overarching vision for our junior & development teams, which we hope all those in football in the club's local area will take pride and direction from.
At the start of this project, the club coaches, from both the child and adult’s game, should sit down to discuss the characteristics necessary for a young player to progress from our junior teams into the senior squads.
The discussion should lead onto detailed reflection into how we want the club teams to play in the future and how we want to coach and support our players. It is these discussions that are the start point for the DNA project.
A thorough, detailed and comprehensive process needs to follow.
We should consult with all the stakeholders in the ladies game at all levels locally, including schools
The whole process will be managed, presented and monitored by the Club’s Head Coach and reported back to the overall Coaching team (inc Manager and Head of Academy) on a tri-monthly basis.
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coaching Blog