Firstly, no one has ever won a team trophy for stats (unless you include the points stats that lead to league titles!!) but many of today’s coaches and pundits seem to be obsessed with the importance of stats in respect of how a team is doing!
In my opinion, the biggest stats “problem” is passing, specifically the current obsession with completed passes!
Please understand, I really do realise the importance of passing accurately and to your own team (see my previous article on keeping possession) but sometimes it can be ineffective, as the majority of the completed passes are by players who are not “influencing the game”!
The fact is that you want your numbers 8 & 10 having high pass completion figures as these are the players who typically create chances.
But it seems that the players on TV who have the highest numbers of passes, and pass completions, are usually the numbers 5 and 6, often with the majority of their passes going to each other usually over 10 yards!
What this means is that they often “massage their egos”, and cause zero problem to the defending team!
More than that, if the defending team are really adept at defending, the time created by the needless passing between your centre backs allows all 11 defending players to get back goalside of the ball, making it much harder to break them down!
Even more dangerous is that the 5 and 6 “overplay” and therefore allow the opposition defence (in this case opposition attackers) to impose a high press and win the ball back near to your goal.
An effective way to relieve pressure when you are facing a high press is to play a long accurate ball from the back as this bypasses several pressing opponents but it’s crucial to keep possession when doing this as you can only score when you have the ball!
The same applies in midfield, if you just pass the ball sideways and/or backwards, the defence can use this time to get set up to defend their goal!
Your centre attacking midfield players (8 and 10) are the players you want to get highest in the passing stats and we should more closely monitor the creative nature of a pass rather than the number (quality > quantity if you wish!).
Every team wants a player who’s first thought is to pass it forward, as defences want to be as structured as they can out of possession, so every pass towards the opposition goal can take defending players out of the game.
The other “defence breaking” pass is a quick one, as to break a defence down you usually have to attack them while they are disorganised!
So the key is pass quickly and pass forward when you can!!
Passing sideways and backwards should always be a “fall back” option, to keep possession with the view that you restart your attack
This is another example of bravery. Most people assume that being brave, or a leader, is about shouting, or putting in a big challenge (although it can be!) but it’s also very much about doing brave things (not reckless though) like taking a risk for the benefit of your team - risking your own reputation - but doing it in the right areas!
So, what are the things you need to be a brave passer?
In no particular order
· The technical ability to pass accurately
· The ability to “paint pictures” in your head
· Trust in your team mates
· Team mates who call for the ball
· Team mates who move off the ball to be in a good position to receive the ball
· A clear understanding from you and the whole team of what is expected and how your team plays
So, it’s crucial to get the ball to an area in which you can score, this means being progressive and not just pass the ball sideways or backwards safely, without it being as part of a longer term plan (moving the ball from one side to another to move a defensive unit is valid, passing it to improve passing stats, or because “the pro’s do it” is NOT valid!)
So, now look at your team and think how they can safely and effectively get the ball forward quickly and accurately with the aim that every attack is a scoring opportunity!
As a coach, be honest enough to see what is not working, or why every opportunity is not being taken and work on the quick, forward looking, accurate passing but remember ITS NOT JUST THE PASSER THAT CAN INFLUENCE THIS, IT’S THE BALL RECEIVER AND OFTEN DECOYS RUNNERS TOO!
And don’t get hung up on pass completions as a key stat!
Instead look at creative passing stats!!
I hope that helps you make your team more of a threat when in possession but always remember, it’s better to get the ball forward quickly than slowly but you cannot score without the ball so always consider the balance of risk/reward!
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